Video iPod from Apple next week? - Engadget -

Video iPod from Apple next week? - Engadget -

Engadget says that Apple is likely going to release the long-awaited Video iPod next week. They've scheduled one of those special Apple events that the bloggers go bonkers for, this time with the teaser "one more thing". Apple fans will remember that this is the same tag Steve Jobs has always used to announce major products, so I wouldn't be surprised to see this be the unveiling of the long-awaited iPod Video.

So now that I'm getting an iPaq 4700 as part of the BMIST program, I guess I don't really need a video iPod. Although...I want one really, really badly. We'll have to see what price points they come out with, because I might have to spend a month's paycheck to get one before I go.

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